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Judicial hearing officers and the Student Disciplinary Council have the authority to impose Sanctions on Students or Registered Student Organizations who are found to have violated the Code of Conduct. Such Sanctions shall bear a reasonable relation to the nature of the violation and, in determining possible Sanctions, judicial hearing officers and the Student Disciplinary Council shall consider the violation at hand, the welfare of the University community, and any prior disciplinary record of the Respondent. The following are examples of Sanctions: 

1. Administrative Referral. Mandatory referral to another campus office/department to address concerns regarding a particular behavior or need. 

2. Administrative Hold. A disciplinary hold may be placed on a Student’s record when a Student: 

a. Is not presently enrolled at the University and a conduct matter is pending; 

b. Has a pending conduct matter that must be resolved prior to graduation; 

c. Has failed to complete Sanctions by the assigned deadline(s); 

d. Is suspended or expelled from the University; or, 

e. Presents behavior that puts the University community at risk.

3. Alcohol/Substance Abuse Assessment. A Student may be referred to an appropriate provider for an assessment to identify alcohol and/or substance misuse/abuse risk factors, likelihood, and potential recommendations for treatment. 

4. Disciplinary Probation Status. Carries a moderate warning, and in some cases a restriction of specified privileges or extracurricular institutional activities, other than those necessary or required for courses (e.g., libraries, lectures, work-study), for a specified period of time. 

5. Educational Sanction. An educational sanction refers to attendance or participation in a prearranged class, program, or activity. Educational sanctions are designed to address a particular behavior, topic, or issue by educating the Student or Registered Student Organization on their responsibilities to abide by the Code of Conduct and learn from the violation in an educational way.

6. Election of Withdrawal. When the violation is one that indicates possible suspension or expulsion, the Respondent may elect to voluntarily withdraw from the University without appearing before the Student Disciplinary Council. The accused Student or Registered Student Organization shall sign a statement indicating that they have been advised of their rights to a hearing but instead intend to withdraw from the University on their own accord. 

7. Eviction. Permanent, forced removal from University Housing, a classroom, or other University Premises. Removal from housing due to a violation of the Code of Conduct can only be imposed by the SDC following the hearing procedures outlined in paragraph G of the Student Code of Conduct. Nothing here shall prevent eviction when a breach of the housing contract between the Student and the University has occurred, and evictions from housing due to contract breach are outside the scope of this Policy and not bound to the procedures outlined herein. 

8. Expulsion. Permanent, forced withdrawal from the University. This sanction can only be imposed by the Student Disciplinary Council following the hearing procedures outlined in paragraph G of the Student Code of Conduct.

9. Housing Relocation. Mandated relocation to a different housing assignment. 

10. Loss of Visitation Privileges. Period of time where a Student loses all visitation privileges. During loss of visitation privileges the Student is not allowed to check visitors into their residence hall, and they are not allowed to be checked into the residence hall of any other Student.

11. Parental Notification. FERPA permits the University to notify a Student’s parent(s) if:

(a) the Student is under the age of twenty-one (21) and has violated any law or University Policy or Regulation related to alcohol or controlled substances or

(b) the Student is considered a threat to themselves or to others, or there is a need to protect the health and safety of the Student. 

12. Reprimand. Official written notice to the Student or Registered Student Organization found responsible for a violation of the Code of Conduct or University Policy. The reprimand warns that any further such actions may result in a more severe sanction.

13. Restitution. A measure intended to compensate for the loss, damage, or injury caused by the Student or Registered Student Organization. This action may take the form of appropriate service, monetary compensation, or material replacement. 

14. Service Work. Mandated service to the University or a designated community agency to be completed within a specified time frame.

15. Suspension. Forced withdrawal from the University for a specific period of time or until stated conditions have been met as determined by the Student Disciplinary Council. A Registered Student Organization receiving this sanction will not be recognized by the University and, accordingly, will not receive designated privileges. This sanction can only be imposed by the Student Disciplinary Council following the hearing procedures outlined in paragraph G of the Student Code of Conduct.

16. University Probation. Status which carries a severe warning that any further violation of the Code of Conduct or University Policy or Regulation may result in the Student or Registered Student Organization being required to appear before the Student Disciplinary Council for consideration of suspension, expulsion, or eviction from housing. 

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